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* *
* CoolMap(F1.6) *
* *
* Written by Mark Qian *
* *
This software is FREE!!
Feel FREE to share with(pass to) your friends
and clients, upload to your favorite BBS,
On-line systems, FTP sites, or collect it
into any CD-ROMs!!
CoolMap is a Java applet which works as an image map.
It is COOL because it not only works as an image map
but also comes with a built-in design center which
makes image map design and maintenance visible: CoolMap
can generate a HTML script which calls itself! A
sound will also be played when mouse is moved over
a particular hot area. The corresponding URL will
be opened when clicking at a hot area.
New features are just added: background can be specified to use a transparent map!!
mode - There are two values:
design - You can design you image map in this mode. After clicking at
"Generate HTML Script"button when you finish your design, you
can get the ready-to-plug-in HTML script in "HTML Scropt" field
at the bottom of Coolmap Design Center. Copy and Paste it to
your page.
map = This is the regular mode when the map is pluged in to your page.
The mode in HTML script generated by Coolmap Design Center will
be set to "map".
whichBase - 0 the applet uses DocumentBase. That is, applet will search resouces from
the directory where HTML file resides
1 applet uses CodeBase. That is, applet will search resouces from
the directory where Java class files resides.
mode - There are two values:
design - You can design you image map in this mode. After clicking at
"Generate HTML Script"button when you finish your design, you
can get the ready-to-plug-in HTML script in "HTML Scropt" field
at the bottom of Coolmap Design Center. Copy and Paste it to
your page.
map = This is the regular mode when the map is pluged in to your page.
The mode in HTML script generated by Coolmap Design Center will
be set to "map
whichBase - 0 the applet uses DocumentBase. That is, applet will search resouces from
the directory where HTML file resides
1 applet uses CodeBase. That is, applet will search resouces from
the directory where Java class files resides.
background - URL of the Image which is used to paint caption area's background.
This URL has to be a local one such as "images/brnpapr.gif".
You can not use a URL that point to an address that is not in
the server where the applet resides. If parameter background
is valid, bgcolor will be ignored.
NOTE: Using an image as background will slow down the
scrolling speed dramatically. I may want to adjust the speed
to speed up the scrolling text. Or you can ignore parameter
background so that the applet use parameter bgcolor in order
to increase the srolling speed.
Why to use an image for background?
You may usually want to cover the entire applet area with the map.
But in some case such as using CoolMap as a toolbar, you may want
have more space to your tooltips while the toolbar image is relatively
small. If you add some blank space to the toolbar image to make
it cover a larger area so that your tooltips can be displayed properly,
it will take a large amount of time for the browser to load the large
image. Instead, if you use exactly space requiesd by toolbar but set
appletWidth and appletHeight large enough to hold your tooltips.
The area that is not covered my toolbar image will be covered with
the background image which is the same as the background on the page.
Another reason to use background image is that you can make use of
transparent gif if you like to have map image transparent. You can
use image editor like GIF Construction Set for Windows
to create transparent gif used as your map image or toolbar image.
You need to set the backgound parameter to the same as the background
on the page where Coolmap resides.
bgcolor - Color of caption background. This feature can be overrided by
parameter background(That is, if background presents, bgcolor
will not effect. You need to use the same code format like you use
in HTML script such as #ff00ff. You can also set fgcolor = "vary".
Value "vary" will give caption background a random color each time
the applet is called.
imageWidth - The width of your image which is used as the map. If the size you specify
is different from the actual size of the image, the result will be a stetch
imageHeigth - The heigth of your image which is used as the map.
imageLeft - the horizontal position of top-left conner of them map image. In other word,
horizontal distance in term number of pixels from the top-left conner of the
applet area to top-left conner of them map image.
imageTop - the vertical position of top-left conner of them map image. In other word,
vertical distance in term number of pixels from the top-left conner of the
applet area to top-left conner of them map image.
appletWidth - width of applet in design mode. Important: this pair of parameters will appear
as Width and Height in HTML code which calls Coolmap (the Code generated
by Coolmap). That is, this is the place where is specify the size of Coolmap.
appletHeigth height of applet in design mode.
deskArrange - The arrangement of applet and design panel. It can be "LeftRight" or TopBottom"(default).
Note: if the space you specify is not enough for "LeftRight", it will be set to
hotStyle 0 - Coolmap will not show the border of a hotware when mouse cursor
is over the hotarea.
1 - Coolmap will show a frashing border of a hotware when mouse cursor
is over the hotarea.
tipsOn 0 - Disable tooltips.
1 - Enable tooltips.
imageWidth - The width of your image which is used as the map.
imageHeigth - The heigth of your image which is used as the map.
hintWidth - The width of tool tips window.
fontHeight - The heigth of tool tips window.
mapImage - File name of the image which is used as the map.
hot_area1 - The infor about hot area 1
hot_area1 - The infor about hot area 2
hot_arean - The infor about hot area n
New feature:
The fifth field of hot_arean work the same as
parameter "TARGET" in HTML. This field is named
Target Window in Design Center.
You can set it to a sub frame if you use frames so
that the URL is opened in the sub frame. You can
also set it to one of following
Bowser will place URL page into top-level window of the browser
Bowser will place URL page into parent window of the widnow
where HTML resides
Bowser will place URL page into the widnow where HTML resides
Bowser will place URL page into a new window
The sound played by this applet can be turn On/Off dynamically button another
applet wrtten by Mark Qian, CButton.
To place it into your page for FREE, you need to
A). Run setup.exe to rename class files. Because
PKUNZIP will extract the class file, coolmap.class,
to coolmap.CLA, you have to RENAME the class file to
coolmap.class. Similarly, rename the rest
of *.CLA to *.class. Then place coolmap.class
in the place you want.
B). Open TEST_CM.HTM with your browser locally.
C). Design your own image map
To use CoolMap's Design Center to generate HTML script which calls CoolMap for you with your hot areas,
you need to
1). Set parameter mode in you HTML script that call CoolMap to Design. Then run the script with a browser
(You have done this).
2). Select the Edit mode in Mode section.
3). Point your mouse cursor to a point where you like to use as the first point of the hot area. Press left
mouse button and drag to the second point. Then release mouse button.
4). Click at next point.
5). Repeat step 4 until you finished all the points which limit the hot area.
6). Edit content of tooltips.
7). Edit URL address. This URL will be opened when the hot area is clicked.
8). Select an audio file for the hot area. This audio file will be played when mouse cursor moves over the hot area.
9). Click at button label 'Click When Done Edit'.
10). Click at button label 'Generate HTML Script'.
11). Select the content in the text area at the bottom label 'HTML Script' using mouse
12). Select Edit and Copy from the pull-down manu of broser to copy the HTML script to clipboard.
13). Paste the content of clipboard to an empty text file named, say test.htm. Then browse test.htm with your browser.
If you see what you want, insert the HTML script to your page.
Done!! Easy and quickly done!!";
Go Mark's Home Page(http://www.coolshare.com) to see more exciting applets!